DS Lite Review
Monday, June 26, 2006You've read all the specs, seen all the pictures, you may have even played one at Best Buy, but I guarantee you haven't heard what I have to say about Nintendo's DS Lite.
Evidently borrowing design cues from Apple, the DS' redesign is very impressive. Aesthetically, the Lite is gorgeous. A coat of glossy plastic covers the outside, just like the layer of clear plastic on the PSP and iPod. The biggest difference I found was that no matter how smudgy my fingers should have made it, the Lite looked brand new. The inner portion is a matte that looks like it might get dirty with extended play, but will definitely give you a better grip. The power switch is placed on the right side of the unit, and the start and select buttons are placed lower, so they are less likely to be hit accidentally. The 360 could take notice: I always hit start in the middle of DOA4. The buttons are spaced perfectly, and along with a much quieter click, the alignment allows the DS to fit better in your hands. The stylus is thicker and longer than the old one, making gameplay on the DS a much more comfortable experience.
But beauty isn't just skin deep. The screens are the biggest improvement. While retaining the size and aspect ratio of the old system, they are are exponentially brighter and more colorful. Once you go Lite, I can tell you from experience, you never want to go back. I'd imagine it's like getting glasses you've really needed for the first time in your life, and realizing trees aren't supposed to look like lollipops. It's a huge difference and a welcome change. Another improvement is the time in which it powers on and loads up. I guess they goosed the internal memory a little, to make the operating system go faster. It's appreciated.
Size-wise, the DS Lite much more portable than its former incarnation. Unlike the "DS Phat", the Lite can fit in your front pocket without giving the impression you have a tumor or strangely-shaped erection. It's thinner, shorter, lighter and brighter than the PSP. If that doesn't chap some Sony fanboy ass, I don't know what will. In fact, the Lite is about the same weight as a GBA Micro. That's a very impressive feat.
Verdict: 10/10; Why didn't the DS launch like this?