
Eternals Issue One

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No one's been more excited about Neil Gaiman & John Romita Jr's Eternals more than Alex, and he got me caught up in the hype aswell a few weeks ago. The story is quite impressive: it's about a race of long forgotten immortals created by giant creatures known as the Celestials. Another group, the Deviants, were created alongside the Eternals to balance things out. The Deviants, mixes of all different species, sharing no genetic similarities, decided to fuck like bunnies and enslave the ancient humans. The Eternals, with the backing of the Celestials, fucked their shit up in a massive war that turned a population of millions of Deviants to a little over a thousand. Now, thousands of years later, one of the Eternals lives in not-so-blissfull ignorance of his illustrious past, his true identity, and his powers. All he has are cryptic dreams, pieces of his life that are too surreal to believe. That is until a golden eyed stranger walks into his life, and brings with him the truth about his past.

The artwork was the first thing to catch my attention. Rick Berry's cover is a strikingly beautiful piece of art that I'd more than gladly pay to frame and hang on my wall. Romita's pencils are complex and solid at the same time, showing why he is one of the bigger names in the world of comics. The inks accentuate Romita's lines and if anything make them pop more, and the colors, filled in by the spectrally talented Matt Hollingsworth are more than worth a mention.

I have only one gripe. The writing is fantastic, but not when it comes to dialog. The conversations between the characters, while interesting, tries too hard to be natural. The errors in grammar and punctuation are too numerous and obvious for the average reader with atleast a sixth grade education not to shudder. Most of the time fucking immortals are speaking in this stilted, half retarded manner. I can't make it through most of the dialog without biting my fist and asking myself how such a high profile comic book could let this shit slide. Who the hell proof-read this? I write most of my posts at three in the morning, wiping my bloodshot raccoon eyes and sipping on a mountain dew, and even I catch more errors than this internationally published, well hyped graphic novel.

Hopefully they catch more errors in the next issue. You know, when this shit happens in newspapers, they print a whole page of things they got wrong. Maybe Marvel should start doing that, lest DC pimp slap them with their "superior spellcheck skills". Microsoft Word mother-bitches!

Overall though, I highly enjoyed the first issue, and look forward to many more. Eternals issue one is definitely worth your two bucks.

Hopefully Alex will see this and edit in his two cents. Either way, the next game review should be up shortly. Sorry for the lack of decent content as of late, but I've been fabulously busy.

Civil War Impressions coming soon to a theatre near you... keep your eyes peeled.

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