Cover Story May 06: E3 Most Wanted
this year's e3 was easily the best one yet. three playable next generation consoles, huge announcements for the biggest blockbuster games of the year, and a well organized promotional machine geared toward pleasing visitors of the biggest entertainment event next to the oscars. unfortunately, we didn't get to go (missed the registration date), but there's always next year!
for all the mouse jockeys at home following the torrent of trailers and demos, this year certainly did not disappoint. the flow of information was overwhelming, as the exhibitors finally realised that e3 is just as big a deal to the consumer at home as it is to them. there were a few announcements that blew our socks off, and a fair share of let downs; but overall, e306 has proven that the following year will be the best yet for gamers.
now here's the obligatory wishlist.
jim's E3 most wanted:
- mgs4 took a bit of a back seat this year, with no playable demo and an early showing (followed by nothing) but i'll be damned if it didn't leave an impression my chest, the shape of snake's foot. that old bastard's got moxy, i tells ya...
- heavenly sword looked like the weak link last year, and now it's turning heads with its manic god of war-esque gameplay and stunning visuals. it could be a contender for game of the year 07, that is if halo 3 doesn't come out then. *giggle*
- final fantasy XIII made me actually want to play a final fantasy game. i never enjoyed the ff series, or any rpg for that matter ('cept earthbound), but the new action intensive approach has caught my eye. that and it's just plain beautiful.
- assassin's creed might be brilliant. i just haven't seen enough to be completely sure. what i have surmised from the information given to me: i want to play it... badly.
- resistance looks like a nice mix of gears of war, call of duty, and what killzone should have been.
- the untitled naughty dog game looks really fun. like tomb raider meets far cry. mwah! magnifique!
- virtua fighter 5 might turn out to be the best fighting game ever made, and i won't even have to find a japanese arcade to play it.
- mercenaries 2: its predecessor pretty much tells you this game's going to kick ass. here's hoping for multiplayer mayhem...
- indiana jones' new physics engine is probably the most advanced i've seen yet. the trailer left some to be desired, but i know what lucasarts is capable of. "you call him docta jones!"
- halo 3. i cried, nuff sed.
- splinter cell double agent. did anyone else's pants get tighter? the game looks gorgeous, and that one level in the middle east looks straight out of graw, but way better.
- rainbow six vegas is really coming together. if the first screens didn't sell me right away, you can bet your sweet ass the first gameplay videos did.
- lost planet's demo has got me hooked. come launch time, i may need to be fed introvenously, as i will not leave the couch. no catheters though, i prefer a funnel.
- hitman blood money might satisfy my ever-consuming bloodlust. don't get your hopes up, i said it might.
- stranglehold promises all the john woo action without travolta, cage or slater.
- chromehounds might be the new mech series for the 360. god i hope so. fasa's last mech assault was pretty awful, and now they're making that lackluster shadowrun game. that's it. keep 'em busy microsoft.
- tony hawk's project 8 is the exact direction i wanted them to take this bled turnip of a series. infact, this is what i told them when i tested american wasteland in santa monica...
- just cause has gone from gta clone to mercenaries/gta clone to a game all by itself in awesomeness. xboxyde has the best (only?) video footage of the demo.
- super smash bros brawl. they brought in kid icarus, zero suit samus, wario and solid snake. that'll do hal laboratories. that'll do.
- super mario galaxy takes an entirely new direction, the cold, emptiness of space. sure hope it works.
- red steel looks fun as shit, but the aiming system still needs work. the ideal situation is to have the wiimote control the view of the screen, instead of the movement of the arm and (eventually) the screen. if they keep it like that, they should add a button to quickly turn left or right 90 degrees, ala lost planet. otherwise, make it more like pc fps'.
- legend of zelda twilight princess still owns. hooray!
- warioware smooth moves is just another warioware game. what? like that's a bad thing?
- excitetruck has all the makings of a great game: nintendo dev team, the "excite" license, and the wii control scheme. it's also an arcadey truck racing game. let's hope like hell it doesn't turn into another "hummer: badlands racing."
- you might look like an idiot when you play wii sports, but so will your friends. just tell yourself it's the fun that counts. then pop in karaoke revolution and cry.
- god of war 2 brings the combos and the surprisingly gorgeous graphics.
- guitar hero 2 brings 50+ songs to the table.
- okami brings the gorgeous.
- mgs: portable ops might just give me a reason to keep my psp, with multiplayer ala subsistance and a story that fills in the blanks in the metal gear solid storyline.
- vice city stories might just improve on the already fantastic "stories" license. i always loved vice city's landscape best of all. by the end of the game, you knew your way around every alley. plus the soundtrack was, well, perfect.
- locoroco makes me happy every time i play the demo. needless to say, i play the demo alot.
- every extend extra promises rez-like gameplay, and i trust mizuguchi-san.
- legend of zelda phantom hourglass is the zelda game we all wanted on the ds. our prayers were finally answered. now about the jessica alba sex-clones...
- mario vs donkey kong 2. the first one was super fun. let's do it again, shall we?
- i don't know what special use they will find for the stylus in dk king of swing 2, but i loved the first one so much i imported it. i'm open to anything that doesn't include gorilla genitalia.
- crysis will crash my computer, i just know it.
- the seemingly impossible happened: unreal tournament 2007 got more gorgeous.
- i've said it one and i'll say it again, now that we've all seen the cyclops fight: dark messiah totally butt-rapes oblivion.
alex's E3 most wanted:
- yoshi's island 2: i don't think i really need to explain why i want this, but i'll go ahead & do it anyway. the original yoshi's island is an absolutely great game, and this looks like it'll be a worthy predecessor. the graphics, which take up both screens, look super pretty & smooth, and in the short clips we've seen, it looks hella fun. i'm really glad nintendo realized they don't always have to try to incorporate touch-screen functionality.
- kirby ds: i was recently thinking about how kirby is one of my favorite franchises, so news of a new game for ds couldn't have come at a nicer time. canvas curse was fun, but i'm excited this new one's going back to that good ol' classic kirby platforming.
- elite beat agents: if you ever got a chance to play ouendan, then you'll understand why i want this. i was always worried that if they decided to bring ouendan to the states, it would lose some of it's charm during the localization process. i think they made the made right choice going with a whole new adventure with new characters & music, although i highly doubt whatever music they put in it will be as awesome as the original japanese soundtrack. let's just hope it's not too bad.
- diddy kong racing ds: mario kart set the bar for kart-racing on the ds pretty darn high, but i'm confident that diddy kong racing can atleast get very close. back in the day, i liked diddy kong racing more than mario kart, and it didn't even have a track editor then!
- mario vs donkey kong ds: the original mario vs dk was a cute, fun, fantastic little game for the gba, so i'm eager to see how this new one turns out.
- star fox ds: i have plenty of fond memories of star fox, and i'm hoping to make some more later this year. this game is lookin' good. there'd better be some wi-fi multiplayer.
- cooking mama: one of those quirky, awesome looking games that i totally would've gotten already if importing wasn't so expensive. leave it to the badasses at atlus to bring it over to t3h US.
- dk king of swing ds: another example of nintendo skipping touch-screen functionality for the sake of two screens full of goodness. the original king of swing was fun, and thanks to the positioning of the ds' l & r buttons, it looks like we'll have some more fun, without scrunching our hands up this time.
- the noises i made when i first heard of super smash bros brawl's showing cannot be typed, so let me just say that i haven't been this excited for anything in quite some time.
- legend of zelda twilight princess will no doubt be incredible, and getting a wii version was a nice surprise. i think nintendo made a good choice here. releasing it only for wii would've been a slap in the face to all those faithful & patient gamecube owners, and releasing it only for gamecube would be letting a perfectly good oportunity to have a zelda game on wii go to waste.
- super mario galaxy was probably the best looking wii game shown. i wasn't sure if mario + wiimote would = good, but i'm glad nintendo was, 'cuz it looks like tons of fun.
- if excitetruck can convey the fun & style of the original excitebike into 3d as well as excitebike 64 did, count me in. racing against friends online would just make it extra awesome.
- warioware smooth moves: ah, warioware. you will no doubt give me a chance to use the wiimote in all sorts of wacky ways, and for that i thank you.
- red steel: what has been one of my most anticipated wii games has dropped down on the list due to some sketchy looking controls. i don't agree with what jim said, i don't think having the wiimote control the view would be a good idea, and evidently neither did ubisoft. they said they changed it because due to the sensitivity of the wiimote, it could be a very dizzying experience. that makes perfect sense to me. the thing that worried me about the controls is nothing big, just the fact that they look in need of very fine tuning. now that's expectable, it's not a final version of the game, i was just hoping things would be more tight than they are by now. i'm still looking forward to it of course, but i'm trying not to get my hopes too high.
- wii sports looks simple & fun. i think this will provide many a good time with friends.
- super monkey ball banana blitz: i was never a big monkey ball fan (yes, i just said "big monkey ball"), but i'm more than willing to give this one a shot. i think the wiimote will give the series that extra little umph it needs to roll into my heart.
xbox 360
- my plan is to get a 360 either when there's a price drop or when halo 3 comes out.
- if gears of war turns out to be as awesome as it could; then shit, we'll all have a damn fine game to play.
- lost planet's demo is amazing. i can't believe we have to wait till later this year to get the full game. with all that time left to polish & finish the game, i can't see how this game won't rock.
- splinter cell double agent: remember that part of the trailer when sam jumped out from under the ice and killed that guy? yeah, so do i. if my memory doesn't fail me, i was drooling profusely.
- metal gear solid 4 guns of the patriots: ho-lee shit. i don't think a game trailer has ever been that great. i was speechless at the end.
- assassin's creed looks beyond sweet, and i'll definitely be getting it if ps3s are ever affordable.
- i think it's safe to say virtua fighter 5 is the most beautiful looking fighting game to date. that plus the awesome, deep gameplay of the virtua fighter series reeeally makes upset that ps3 will probably be the only console to get it.
- resistance fall of man looks like a nice, solid, fun fps.
- god of war 2: what can i say? this game looks pret-ty awesome. cutting off the wings of the thing you're riding on? badass.
- locoroco has been my most (well, come to think of it, ONLY) anticipated psp game for a looong time. after playing the demo, i want it even more.
- every extend extra: tetsuya mizuguchi makes great games. i don't see why he'd break tradition now.
jim's E3 disappointments:
- 600 dollars? for a playstation? get the fuck out.
- ps3's controller is a culmination of other people's ideas. the xbox 360's triggers and guide button, a tilt sensor reminiscent of an old logitech pc controller, (which still fails to 1up the wii) and the four controller lights on the top are awfully similar to those on the wii-mote.
- the controller looks almost identical to every analog stick sporting controller sony has EVER PRODUCED. good job, guys. way to think outside the box.
- even though the new controller looks just like the dual shock, they nixed the vibrating function. sorry ladies.
- warhawk looks like crimson skies without the charm.
- where the hell was the infamous killzone2? could it be vaporware? we'll see next year.
- shadowrun. hype, hype, and more hype. essentially, it looks like a nicely textured xbox 1 shooter, but still comes nowhere close to something like unreal championship 2. with all this talk of a cyberpunk garage game rpg, i didn't expect a mediocre shooter. xblm had two videos for this. two.
- for all the talk, too human looks pretty, but plays terrible. the framerate is a slideshow, and most attacks never made their mark. we expect an explanation egm. you hyped the crap out of it and even had a hands on experience. you did nothing but praise it. wtf.
- prey's framerate is unnacceptable. it was very ambitious, but its biggest mistake was choosing the doom3 engine. look how far quake4 got with it. terrible framerates, and ugly mapping. move on fellas. unreal engine3 is where it's at..
- saint's row had not even one playable demo or new trailer. what's up with that? couldn't get above 15fps?
- really want to play lumines on my 360, but not with madonna. ...unless it's "1993 body of evidence" madonna.
- tony hawk's downhill jam for wii looks worse than most gamecube games. in fact, it looks like a dreamcast game. methinks activision hired the wrong dev team (their last project? disney skate adventure.)
- god hand looks like crap, plays like crap, and like most listings in our disappointment bin, was over-hyped.
- lumines with a disney license? i heard good things about the squeenix/disney projects, but don't you dare fuck with my lumines. madonna's already tainted them on the xbl arcade.
- not enough psp titles announced. if they faze this sucker out already i'ma kick some ass.
alex's E3 disappointments:
i don't really have enough gripes to separate them into categories, so i'll just give you a paragraph of the shit that stank the most.
devil may cry 4 was a no-show. lame. i didn't really care, 'cuz i was expecting it, but it was still poopy to officially find out ps3 would be an ass-ripping $600. how on earth am i gonna play mgs4, sony?! i'm not rich! psh... and that controller? at first, i was angry, but then it just became laughable. oh, sony. you're the "brian wondra" of video games. i was also kinda bummed there was no mention of the next resident evil. i really would liked to have seen some new stuff. oh well. there's always tgs.