Super Princess Peach

yesterday super princess peach finally came via gamefly. it slowly got pushed below games like tomb raider legend, chibi robo, oblivion, etcetera... etc. but now it's in my ds, and guess what? it's great! it's a bright, colorful 2d sidescroller from the guys who brought us mario. what more could be asked of this game? apparently, alot of nintendo fanboys found it to be way too easy, because they were able to blast through it in a few hours. true, i started the file and beat bowser within 5 hours; but afterward, i went back and looked for the hidden toads, played the numerous minigames, and collected puzzle pieces and songs. the game is deeper than most of these speed run braggarts will admit.
mario, luigi, and a bunch of toads are kidnapped by bowser, and the mushroom kingdom is sent into emotional chaos. one toad cries, one toad is angry, another is happy as a clam. this is all due to a magical vibe sceptor blah blah blah. point is, peach has to save them utilizing a magical talking parasol and on-cue mood swings. these aren't just gimmicks, however, as they come in handy for everything from puzzles to accessing hard to reach areas. the happy vibe spins her like a tornado, which can be used to float or fly up to higher levels. it also gets rid of clouds that block doors and spins windmills. making her cry has several advantages. she runs faster, can make beanstalks grow, spin waterwheels, diffuse sand blockades, and in the icy levels, make slicker surfaces to slide on. making her angry envelopes her in fire, which kills just about anything she comes in contacts with, makes every landing an earth-shattering stomp, lights torches, and even works with hot air balloons. making her calm uses up the vibe meter to refill health. this comes in handy on some of the more frustrating boss fights.
the levels are expansive, well designed, and colorful. each has its own pallette, look, and enemies. you can complete the main campaign in a few hours, but that's probably because you won't want to put it down. like mario vs donkey kong for the gba, the gameplay is fun and addictive, but the campaign is short and somewhat easy. overall, this is still a great addition to your ds library.
verdict: 08/10; worth purchasing. probably looks brilliant on the dslite.
mario, luigi, and a bunch of toads are kidnapped by bowser, and the mushroom kingdom is sent into emotional chaos. one toad cries, one toad is angry, another is happy as a clam. this is all due to a magical vibe sceptor blah blah blah. point is, peach has to save them utilizing a magical talking parasol and on-cue mood swings. these aren't just gimmicks, however, as they come in handy for everything from puzzles to accessing hard to reach areas. the happy vibe spins her like a tornado, which can be used to float or fly up to higher levels. it also gets rid of clouds that block doors and spins windmills. making her cry has several advantages. she runs faster, can make beanstalks grow, spin waterwheels, diffuse sand blockades, and in the icy levels, make slicker surfaces to slide on. making her angry envelopes her in fire, which kills just about anything she comes in contacts with, makes every landing an earth-shattering stomp, lights torches, and even works with hot air balloons. making her calm uses up the vibe meter to refill health. this comes in handy on some of the more frustrating boss fights.
the levels are expansive, well designed, and colorful. each has its own pallette, look, and enemies. you can complete the main campaign in a few hours, but that's probably because you won't want to put it down. like mario vs donkey kong for the gba, the gameplay is fun and addictive, but the campaign is short and somewhat easy. overall, this is still a great addition to your ds library.
verdict: 08/10; worth purchasing. probably looks brilliant on the dslite.