The Fat Lady Just Lik-Sang
(Heart) Breaking News: Sony Kills Lik-Sang
I'm just on a roll with the clever titles tonight. And Sony's on a roll with the douchebaggery lately., the favorite import video game site of myself, Jim, and many other gamers, is no longer in business. Sony claimed that by selling PSPs from Asia to customers in Europe, Lik-Sang infringed its trade marks, copyright and registered design rights. Unfortunately, the High Court of London agreed. I don't know why they went after Lik-Sang instead of one of the many other, less cool import sites. Guess I'll have to get Jump Ultimate Stars from Play-Asia now. Lamez0r.
I'm just on a roll with the clever titles tonight. And Sony's on a roll with the douchebaggery lately., the favorite import video game site of myself, Jim, and many other gamers, is no longer in business. Sony claimed that by selling PSPs from Asia to customers in Europe, Lik-Sang infringed its trade marks, copyright and registered design rights. Unfortunately, the High Court of London agreed. I don't know why they went after Lik-Sang instead of one of the many other, less cool import sites. Guess I'll have to get Jump Ultimate Stars from Play-Asia now. Lamez0r.