it's not that i hate sony... or their playstation division. there are just certain things they do that piss me off. it's not so bad that i'd do anything destructive; throw a pie at a press conference the very worst. all of it gets me into heated discussions with freinds and family about how they are slowly fucking themselves. i have owned every playstation they put out, even my phone and camera are from them. i'm in playstation's gamer advisory panel for godssake! before i plunked down 300 bucks for an ipod, i spent 150 on their minidisc player. i should have bought the ipod in the first place. sony's success has gone to their heads, hubris has become madness, and now they've become the new microsoft. these days in the next-gen console wars, the xbox 360 is the underdog everyone is rooting for. nobody's rooting for sony, and you know why?
obnoxious marketing / advertising campaigns
graffiti is illegal; and annoying, especially when you are trying to be "anti-establishment" by wheatpasting and stencilling ugly little "urban" imps on public and private property. without permission. you know how all those kids on the street get away with it? they aren't sony, a global conglomerate whose name is known everywhere from taipei to tuscaloosa. if apple did the same thing with the ipod, or nintendo with their ds, or nokia with a cellphone, they'd get the same lambasting you got. but they aren't. they saturate our minds legally, with posters, billboards, commercials, and internet ads. they don't spraypaint dancing sillhouettes on the side of an apartment building. and the whole "provocative uk posters" telling people to put pictures of their girlfreind's naughty bits on their psps or take a flying leap into a subway tunnel are borderline criminal. the squirrels talk like amos 'n andy, the dustbunnies sound like migrant workers, and i don't care for the boston accented baseballs either. a little word of advice for you sony: fire your advertising firm. out of a cannon.
minidisc, memory stick, umd, blu-ray, etc...i know the world don't move to the beat of just one drum, what might be right for you may not be right for some; but this is ridiculous. when your technology is expensive, quickly obsolete, and format after format, no one else uses it, i suggest you fire your r&d department. had sony developed flash and hard drive music players instead of minidiscs, they could have gotten a head start on the ipod. but noooooooo... same with umd. they expect people to buy a seperate movie disc just for their psp. they are the same price as dvds, for a lower quality version of the same movie that can only be played on a psp. memory sticks are more expensive than other compact flash media, and instead of going with hd-dvd for the next generation of home entertainment, already using a simple and descriptive name, they come up with blu ray, which is only better infantesimally. what's blu-ray anyway, a fucking marine animal?
ken kutaragihe may call it the "preystation," but from the way he talks shit it should be called the "predatorstation". granted, he and his team took what was essentially sony's cd attachment for the nes and made an empire, a household name, and brought us a whole lot of final fantasy games; he still hasn't backed up most of what he's said. i bring you a few famous kutaragisms:
"This time, Microsoft has stated clearly that it is going after PlayStation. However, they're going not after the PlayStation 3, but the PlayStation 2. They were looking at 2, and that's why Xbox 360 became like that." click the quote for a full (and ridiculous) list. obviously he hasn't realised that his system is the worst looking and performing...hypejaggies, jaggies, jaggies. that's what playstation 2 has given us so far. killzone 2's target video was obviously prerendered, thanks to award winning blur studios. i guess they are this generation's pixar, for sony's hype machine. according to sony, the playstation 2 was going to produce toy story level visuals. we're still waiting...
no unified online service...anywhere! every developer has to work on an online multiplayer infrastructure if they want it in the game! every time you get a new game, it takes an hour just to play online, filling out form after form and setting up account after account. it's a major pain in the ass.
homebrew castrating updatessony, is it such a fuckin threat to have emulators run on your portable gaming machine? if you're so worried about piracy, isn't that why you went with umds? with every firmware update, they eliminate another emulator/homebrew program for the psp, and every time the amateur coders spend lots of time and effort on cracking the latest patch. it's an endless cycle. you know, the fact that you can run emulators on the psp is a
selling point.
"revolution killer"so we're supposed to believe that the very same eyetoy peripheral that you've had out for years with no good games on it or really any features will blow away a system that isn't even out yet? i think you just haven't got your shit together with the ps3, and you're trying to use your old (and graphically hideous) console to cut a great system off at the knees (hypewise). it won't work though. you're the kid at the back of the schoolyard yelling "me too!" while nobody listens to you. "revolution killer," huh? will the pstwo have a back catalogue of all of the best sony titles available for download? will the pstwo have a revolutionary motion control system? will it have super smash bandicoot? no? then shut the fuck up poser.
pre-launch price gougingkutaragi came right out and announced with a smug fucking grin on his face that his system was going to be ridiulously expensive. infact, because it runs on blu ray, they would lose money on every unit if it went for any price under $500. that smooth fucker even mentioned that you would have towork more hours to afford it. that's bad business, and just plain stupid. mark my words, playstation's downfall will be its arrogance.
spider-man movie fontokay! we get that you guys own the franchise! we know that because the first umd/blu ray movie was spider-man 2, and your ps3 tech demo was doc ock's face. we don't want our next generation hardware to be emblazoned with the spider-man movie font. i'm a huge spider-man fan and i find this obnoxious and lazy. i've seen amateur concept renders with more original fonts. i suggest you guys head over to and get something better, or go with verdana.
ps3's designthere are so many more desirable forms they could have greenlit than the final "ken kutaragi grill". it's the exhale to 360's inhale, and silver is just plain ugly. for instance, they could have gone with that photoshopped digital projector that was circulating the web (pictured below), or my favorite yet, the ps3 monolith by singapore industrial designer
jaren goh (pictured below).