Guitar Hero
yeeeaaaah! throw up those muthafuckin horns bitch! it's guitar hero, the game that made me deeply respect guitarists. play it on insane and you'll know what i mean. for a mere 20 dollars more than a game costs, you get a somewhat lifesize gibson sg guitar controller AND one of the greatest rhythm games ever coded by man. dancepads are for pussies. it's all about the guitar controller. 5 fret buttons, a strum and whammy bar.
the song's are hit and miss; while they include boston, incubus, queen, and bowie, they also include sum 41... the notes and chords feel dead on, and when you miss a note, it's just as humiliating as if you did on stage (the twang is just so... ouch). when you nail a song, your character either smashes or incinerates his lovely axe, after the giant fretbar on screen splinters the words "you rock!"for all your friends to see. maybe now they will believe you and your teeshirt. no, not the one that says "no fat chicks", although that is still true. almost every element is customisable, from your venue to your guitarist to your instrument, there is a shop where you can unlock all those, and some extra songs. guitar hero was destined for a sequel, and from what i've heard, they are already working on it.
verdict: 10/10; must buy title. go out and buy it now!