down with the swirl

the wait is finally over. the next generation has arrived, naysayers be damned. today, those who were in the first fifty preorders or were unlucky enough to wait over 72 hours outside a bestbuy now have their very own super compu- ... xbox 360. for all those who missed the bus, but absolutely MUST have one before the holidays are over, i suggest ransacking every retail outlet for 50 miles, trolling ebay, or taking your chance at comedy central's thanxgiveaway sweepstakes. i know ill be spending my weekend scanning for hourly codes. it's a vines family tradition.
more to come, the mail hasn't arrived yet, and i spent last night/morning creating and tweaking the site, so i just woke up a few minutes ago. i'll take a shower, then walk to best buy with my call of duty 2 ticket. hopefully all the midnight madness throngs haven't snatched up every copy of it.
more to come, the mail hasn't arrived yet, and i spent last night/morning creating and tweaking the site, so i just woke up a few minutes ago. i'll take a shower, then walk to best buy with my call of duty 2 ticket. hopefully all the midnight madness throngs haven't snatched up every copy of it.